Project details

    Other Services

    .:. Water Treatment management Study and Execution (Surface and ground water).:. Topographic Survey..:. Runoff Management study Drainage
    :. Water and Soil Testing
    .:. Land & Road Designing development, storm water management , 
    .:. City Drainage & Sewerage System Designing DPR , Drawing , estimation
    .:. Waste water treatment facility & ETP & STP System Designing,Drawing,Estimating
    : . 3D Modeling of Structure
    .:. Quality control & total water management study
    .:. Completion & Stability Certification, Valuation civil
    .:. Hydro geological Report Preparation and obtaining NOC/Permission from
    Central Ground Water Authority , PHEEO , PCB , Industries ,  for industries mines and infra projects.
    .:. Ground water studies for environmental clearance
    .:. Geo-resistivity survey for selection of feasible sites for bore wells,
    Soil resistivity survey,
    .:. Preparation of D.P.R. WWTP/ETP/Roof-top Rain water Harvesting and artificial
    Recharge to ground water scheme
    .:. Saline study in coastal tract,
    .:. Demarcation of saline & fresh water zone,
    .:. R&D studies on hydrology and ground water
    .:. Manufacturing of water & waste water treatment systems, providing suitable treatment solutions